How To Deal With Period Leaks At School: Tips to Prepare Your Teen

Leaks at school can happen to anyone. Here's how to manage, and better yet, prevent them.

Periods and period leaks are going to happen no matter what, but getting your period at school is less than ideal. Even though period leaks are normal and common, it’s good to prepare your teen with a game plan for how they're going to deal with the situation – just in case. This two-part guide will help you and your teen:

  1. Avoid period leaks at school in the first place
  2. Coach you on how to prepare them for next steps if their period does leak through their clothing at school. 

Want solutions, fast? Kt's period underwear line traps between 3 - 12 tampons worth of blood. Stock up for your teen and worry a little less.

Period underwear sitting on a bench in a school locker room

How to Prevent Period Leaks at School

Over time, your teen will get used to having a period and will be able to handle it even when it arrives unexpectedly. But when they're still figuring it out, there are a number of tactics they can use to ensure period leaks at school don’t happen. 

  1. Period tracking. The best way to prevent leaks is to know when their period is coming and prepare accordingly. Either download a period tracking app or print out our Kt Period Tracker so you both have a better idea of when it's coming. 
  2. Wear dark colored clothing. Black pants will hide blood stains and no one will suspect a thing. They can add to this security by rocking our period underwear on days they think they may get your period. Some people wear them all month long, since they look and feel just like regular undies. Better safe than sorry!
  3. Carry a period emergency kit. Read our blog post on how to stock a case with all the crucial period supplies your teen will need in order to be prepared.
  4. Head to the bathroom frequently. If your teen can feel wetness in their underwear, they should request a trip to the bathroom so that they can check and see if it’s blood or not. Make sure they have their period emergency kit with them so they're prepared to deal with an unexpected period. 
  5. Wear Period Underwear. Kt's period underwear is designed in various absorbencies and styles that can trap from about 3 - 12 regular pads or tampons worth of blood, depending on the pair you choose. If you or your teen is worried their period is about to start, wearing a pair of leakproof underwear will reduce their worry -- and yours. 

If they've already leaked through their underwear, read on for our step-by-step guide on what they can do so that you can prepare them!

What to Do if Your Teen Gets a Period Leak at School

First of all, please reassure them that they shouldn't feel bad, silly, or embarrassed. This has happened to most folks who get their periods and it's nothing to be ashamed about. Here are some things that they can do to manage the situation with grace and ease to get through the rest of the day. 

  1. Bring a change of clothes. Consider stashing a spare pair of pants or outfit change in their locker or backpack–you never know when these might come in handy and save the day! 
  2. Carry a stain remover pen. If they happen to carry a Tide-To-Go or a similar stain remover pen with them, now is the time to whip it out (consider popping one of these bad boys into their Emergency Period Kit). If they don’t have one on hand, or are more into natural solutions, check out this recipe for a natural stain remover they can try when you get home.
  3. Cover Up. If no change of clothes is possible, they can cover up the leak by tying a sweatshirt around their waist – boom, easy. If they happen to have a long cardigan or coat, time to pop that on.
  4. Emergency Pads. This is a last resort, but if they don’t have access to any pads or tampons (check with the nurse first!), they can always create a makeshift pad out of toilet paper. It’s not perfect, but it’ll (hopefully) prevent their leak from getting any worse while they're sitting in class.
  5. Talk to an adult. If the stain is bad or noticeable enough, e.g. giant splotch on white shorts, tell them to talk to an adult. They should ask them if they can go home to get a change of clothes or phone someone who can bring them the supplies you need. They deserve to feel confident in school so that they can be fully present. They should know that their caregivers are there to support them with whatever they need. 

White woman facing away from the camera wearing period underwear in a gym locker room

As soon as they're able to get home, rinse the stained clothing immediately with cold water and soap to avoid stains. (Here’s a guide on how to get period blood stains out of clothing and sheets.) Then encourage them to practice a little self care in the best way that works for them - play a video game, go for a walk, eat a snack.

Remind them that that tomorrow is another day and in 20 years, when they're living out the future they've always dreamed of, no one is going to care about this.

Download KT's free period guide today!
To download in Canada, please click here.

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