Can My Teen Swim on Their Period? Yes, They Can: Our Tips for Swimming on Your Period

Can your teen really go swimming on their period? Yes, they can...with these tips! 🏊‍♀️

Swimming when your teen is on their period can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. After all, there’s Kt by Knix leakproof swimwear. Happy swimming!

Dealing with periods almost always brings on a bit of anxiety for teen, but swimming on their period can put them into full-on panic mode. Growing up, I was enrolled in swimming lessons year-round as I worked towards my lifeguarding certification. Like most young girls, I started out using pads to deal with period leakage, not tampons. Pads can’t be worn in the water because they absorb water from the pool, instead of your period leakage. For about two years before I was comfortable using tampons, I would skip swimming lessons while on my period because I was afraid of leaking. But that doesn't have to be the case.

So, is it ok to swim on your period? Yes. We’re going to go over some of the most common questions associated with swimming on a period – and the best solutions if you want to hop in the water while menstruating.

Is a tampon my teen's only option?

While a tampon is the most common solution to swimming on a period, it’s not the only option. Tampons do absorb some water while swimming, but as long as your teen changes the tampon before and afterwards, they'll be fine. A menstrual cup will also work in the water. If your child is not comfortable with using a tampon or menstrual cup yet, they have some other options, including Kt's period swimwear collection, which absorbs up to 3 tsps of liquid (equivalent to 3 tampons or pads).  

Interested in period swimwear? Here's how it works.

If your teen's period is light and they aren't wearing leakproof swimwear, they can also consider wearing a dark bathing suit to prevent stains. While they're in a pool, the water pressure could stop their period flow temporarily. If they sneeze or cough in the water, there’s a chance a tiny amount of blood will come out, but it will not be noticeable, as the water will dilute it.

Once they get out of the pool, their flow will go back to normal, so there is a chance for leakage at this point. When they get out of the water, they can cover themselves with a towel and head straight to the locker room or bathroom so they can change and get a pad on. 

There's also absolutely no shame in choosing not to swim because of your period, or having a leak now and then. Your should remind them that their swim instructor, friends or family will absolutely understand. If they aren’t comfortable with telling someone that they're on their period, they can simply tell them they're sick. No-one can make you swim if they don’t want to. On the other hand, there is also no shame in swimming on your period. It is not gross or weird, so never let anyone tell them otherwise!

Pro tip: Stock up on period undies for when your teen gets out of the pool for a seamless transition to dry land.

Is it unhygienic to swim on my period?

No, it’s not! If your teen has a tampon or menstrual cup in, it’s extremely unlikely that any blood will get in the water, unless they leak through the tampon or menstrual cup. If they have a leak or choose to go without period protection, they're still covered. Pools are chlorinated to protect swimmers against the spread of bodily fluids such as sweat, urine, and menstruation. Even salt water pools have chlorination to prevent this, so they're not endangering their health (or anyone else’s) by swimming on their period.

If they're not comfortable wearing a tampon or a menstrual cup, or want to double up on protection, consider wearing a Kt period-proof swimsuit, as well.


Does swimming help period cramps?

Yes, it can! Mild exercise like swimming has been proven to relieve period symptoms, such as cramps. Your teen can enjoy a dip in the pool worry and pain-free.

Will swimming on their period attract sharks? 

This question may seem silly but it’s a serious concern for a lot of people! No need to worry though – there are no reported incidents of a shark attacking someone who is menstruating, and there are plenty of divers who have entered the water on their period and made it out without being eaten by a shark.

In general, shark attacks are extremely rare. On average, there are only two fatalities caused by shark attacks every two years in the world. If you or your teen is super worried about it, feel free to skip any deep dives during their period. Your peace of mind is worth it!

Download KT's free period guide to answer all your puberty and menstruation questionsTo download in Canada, please click here

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